Machine Learning
Machine learning (ML) is the subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses on building systems that learnvor improve performance based on the data they consume.
Types of Machine Learning
Supervised Machine Learning
Supervised machine learning algorithms are the most commonly used. With this model, our data scientists act as guides and teach the algorithm what conclusions it should make. The algorithm is trained by a dataset that is already labeled and has a predefined output.
Unsupervised Machine Learning
Unsupervised machine learning uses a more independent approach, in which a computer learns to identify complex processes and patterns without a human providing close, constant guidance. Unsupervised machine learning involves training based on data that does not have labels or a specific, defined output.
Application areas of Machine Learning
Machine learning has a variety of applications in the corporate sector, as its capabilities have made it a natural fit for the requirements of an ever-increasing market. A technology as diverse as ML has prominent business applications. Techsage provides the following ML solutions among others:
- Image Classification
- Text Parsing
- Recommendation Engines
- Predictive Modeling
- Customer Service
Advantages of machine learning - The Business value
Machine learning algorithms are used to make our interactions with banks, online retailers, and social media platforms quick, streamlined, and secure. We're only beginning to touch the surface of machine learning's potential while the technology supporting it is evolving quickly. Here are some of the benefits that come with ML solutions;
✓ Simplifies Product Marketing and Assists in Accurate Sales Forecasts.
✓ Facilitates Accurate Medical Predictions and Diagnoses issues.
✓ Simplifies Time-Intensive Documentation in Data Entry.
✓ Improves Precision of Financial Rules and Models.
✓ Easy Spam Detection.
✓ Increases the Efficiency of Predictive Maintenance in the Manufacturing Industry.
✓ Better Customer Segmentation and Accurate Lifetime Value Prediction.
✓ Recommending the Right Product.